“I’ve been working with Simon for three years now. Without exception we go places I could not go alone, harvesting insights, inspiration and clarity as to what’s in my heart and what’s mine to do. And after three years I’m still in awe of what we accomplish together. In ways I’m only beginning to understand it’s as if we become one being working together for a more beautiful world. He is a gentle, caring man, and wise beyond his years. He’s a good listener, he’s easy to talk to, he’s easy to be with. He uses a unique process to lead me inward, helping me connect with deeper parts of myself, helping me see things underneath things, helping me see myself and my relationships with more patience and love. Ah ha moments are not uncommon as we lean in together searching, seeking to see the world more clearly. It feels really good. It’s freeing. It’s nourishing, I think of it as self care, care for the heart, care for the soul. ”
“Simon is an incredibly gifted facilitator whose unique skills, intuitive insights, and integrated depth of wisdom combine to form a powerful process of authentic, somatic discovery of one’s inner dimensions. Simon has a gentle presence and creates a space for one to contemplate, heal, and reveal new aspects of self. He guides one into layers of acceptance and illuminates the aspects of self that need healing. His reflective questions, deep listening and techniques allow one to touch the core of one’s inner self where the truth resides.”
“I began this journey feeling stuck and a bit lost. I’ve been going through some big changes and knew I needed some guidance. I now feel more clear than ever about who I am, having gained perspective of my personal challenges and strengths. And I feel emboldened to step across this new threshold having had all of the gems and highlights of my journey mirrored back to me. It’s been powerful to experience someone willing to hold space for me, to question and explore the deepest parts of my soul. I would recommend this purpose work to my best friends; to anyone who isn’t satisfied living life on the surface. Anyone ready to open to their Larger Self. It’s a beautiful, intense journey that will challenge you beyond your comfort level. It’s no easy task, but it is oh so worth it!”
“Simon has a gentle strength. He creates a safe space where I feel free to explore going really deep, and I experience being seen, listened to, and supported. His instincts and intuitions are a great guide to allowing healing for what’s ready to be healed.”
“I am deeply grateful for Simon’s patience, skill, and compassion. With Simon’s help, I’ve been able to re-integrate split-off parts of myself abandoned through trauma and hardship. Our work together accesses the immense wisdom within, which longs to embrace all of the aspects of the self which need to be brought into the light of Being. Simon’s gift is to bear witness to that which needs to be seen and heard and to hold it with you, gently and non-judgmentally. From there, he assists the movement and transformation that is possible for you at that particular moment in your journey. The result for me is a felt-sense of ever-expanding wholeness, and I am moving into a more authentic, peaceful, and grounded relationship with others, the physical world, and my spiritual journey.”
“My journey with the Emergent Quest and Simon and my group continues to be a soulful and inspiring experience. The effects of the Quest are reverberating and continue to offer wisdom and guidance as to ‘what would soul do.’ I could not have imaged how powerful the quest would be, but thankfully I followed my intuition and signed up for the course. Simon is a gem and deeply compassionate witness to me and my fellow Questers. I want to do it again!”
“Can’t thank you enough for the Quest and the new chapter it has ushered into my life. You are doing incredible work.”
“It is work that enriches my being. I feel honored to know you and to have transformed through what I’ve learned.”
“This was enlightening for me. Simon is an amazing interpreter of one’s emotional thought. He is practiced in transforming one’s ideas and perceptions into a process for life’s continuation. My love and gratitude goes to him and to each of my fellow questers. The music of this experience will guide me in motions I’ve not expressed since youthful moments of the past. I carry an emotional beat with every step and gaze upon the changing colors of my life before my eyes. A whisper from the tree. A hoot in the night. Everything natural returns me to focus. Seeing the forest through the trees, just takes a walk with the music of your soul. Thank you Simon, Jeffrey.”
“Simon is a very skilled and knowledgeable guide. Our group had a wide range of backgrounds, life stages, and hopes for their quests, and the breadth and depth of his life experience gave him the resources to gently accompany each of us, giving a lovely balance of encouragement, insight, and challenge all along the way.”
“Simon leads from his heart and offers a beautiful program for exploring soul connections! I highly recommend Simon’s Emergent Quest group for anyone who wants to become more intimately acquainted with the mysteries of the wilderness and hear their sacred longings. The group format is incredibly supportive and provides a beautiful path for this meaningful endeavor. ”
“I decided to join the 2021 Emergent Quest because I knew something was missing in my life. For a long time I’ve had a post-it on my wall that says ‘Find Soul’s Purpose.’ I was aware of the quest from a previous offering but it was not the right time for me. This time around I decided to take the leap. Simon didn’t reveal too much before the quest as it is really something that has to be experienced. The three month-quest was very well structured. Simon deftly guided us along the way with ceremonies, group and individual investigations and buildup to the solo quest weekend. It was wonderful to be on the journey with others to share the experience. Simon crafted a beautiful container where we were all able to share and support each other along the way. Through Simon’s guidance and tools, I was able to open the door to my soul’s purpose. I highly recommend the program to any who feel the calling.”
“Thank you for putting me in the right place to grow. You exposed things for me and handed me the tools to get to work. Epiphanies and manifestations and proclamations. I have a notebook full and a future vast and open. I am excited to live! On a high and filled, pressurized with a mass of buzzing energy. Love, I am swelling with love. Thank you for being you and helping me be me. ”
“I cherish you, the many lessons you have taught me, and the simple, graceful and authentic way you carry yourself and make contact with soul. I am very grateful for our time together.”
“I value and appreciate your wisdom and I am so lucky to have had you as a guide. You have an ageless soul and a calming, grounding presence that I really admire.”
“You have brought me to new inner depths within myself. What you share with people is so important, whether it’s music, poetry, stories, wisdom—it has taught me so much. ”
“It’s a gift you have—helping us to open our hearts, dive deep into our feelings, our innermost core, and discovering our light, our spirit, our soul. I can’t wait now to go out and shine my light and explore the depths of my soul even further while connecting at this level with those I already love and those I have yet to meet. ”
“Your presence is so gentle, yet so strong and balanced. You are a mentor, a friend, and a brother. You just create the perfect space for things to manifest themselves. It’s like magic! Thank you for inspiring me. ”
“Simon is skilled as a guide into the wilderness of human potential. If you are seeking accompaniment in the journey of crafting your consciousness into ripe gifts, if you are ready to explore the gifts that are ripening in your life, and if you are open to the caring reflection of someone who will hold your journey in deep awareness; then I can recommend Simon Spire to you as an “anam cara” to those living a contribution to “a great turning.””
Photo location: Eagle River, Vail Valley, Colorado